Blog Tour: The Black Sheep Shadow by @dang3rouzvixen #interview - A Life Through Books

Friday, May 27, 2016

Blog Tour: The Black Sheep Shadow by @dang3rouzvixen #interview

Non Fiction / Self-Help / Memoir
Date Published: April 19, 2016

The city lights blind your amazement. The sound of the traffic challenges you to be alive. Families ask bystanders to make magic and capture the moment with photographs. Newly engaged couples seal their union by kissing under shooting stars while loving by crossing their hearts.

But if your heart was under arrest, wouldn't you want to embrace something to feel like others?

Go insider the world of one courageous sheep as she discovers that her heart was under attack by darkness. As she travels on a spiritual journey to understanding her purpose, overcoming the undertones of low confidence, self-acceptance, and the importance of inspiration, she rose against the odds with forgiveness and strengthening her faith.

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What is the hardest part of writing your books? 
I think the hardest part of writing of books is my love for all genres. At times, I want to stay in one lane. Then I want to write about a different topic. Ultimately, I write what I feel now. 

What songs are most played on your Ipod?
 Fight Song by Rachel Platten was my anthem for a while ­ it still is. It is very empowering as a listener, songwriter, survivor and conqueror. Power by Kanye West and Sunshine by Mos Def are my top two workout songs. Controlla by Drake follows and the one and only, Diva by Beyonce. Those are definitely alot! (laughs) 

Do you have critique partners or beta readers? 
I like to think I have neither. I don't assume the World may understand my purpose the first time around. I like to think I have ones that will understand and give their honest opinion. [But], no. My truth is honest enough.

 What book are you reading now? 
Genesis 37 (NIV), 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell 

How did you start your writing career? 
When I was 19, I dedicate my life [to Jesus Christ]. Given various seasons in The Black Sheep Shadow, I deemed it necessary to document my transformation ­ spiritually, emotionally and mentally. 

Tell us about your next release. 
My next release is coming along well. I have a few surprises coming my reader's way, so my upcoming book will definitely have you laughing AND accepting your truth!

 Ashley Terrell is the founder of Stella Bistro Foods and Black Sheep Inc. Terrell is the host and co-director of Cooking with Stella (2016).  She resides on the East Coast where she enjoys blissful sunsets and sounds of ocean waves.

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